Topics -> googleapiclient, geocoding, placesapi, programming, scripting
Source Code Link -> GitHub
What We are going to do?
- Installing required libraries and setting client
- Getting longitude and latitude by city or state name
- Finding things/places around a location within some radius
- Getting place details using the google place id
Step 1 -> Writing GoogleApiClient and exporting data (
Writing GoogleApiClient
Installing required libraries
pip install requests pip install requests
Importing libraries and setting API key
import requests from urllib.parse import urlencode GOOGLE_API_KEY = "ENTER YOUR OWN API KEY"
Be sure to enter your key.
Initiating the client
class GoogleMapsClient(object): lat = None lng = None data_type = "json" default_address = None api_key = None
setting default_address and key in client
class GoogleMapsClient(object): lat = None lng = None data_type = "json" default_address = None api_key = None def __init__(self, api_key=None, default_address=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if api_key is None: raise Exception("Api key not found") self.api_key = api_key self.default_address = default_address if default_address is not None: self.get_url_and_log_lat() else: raise Exception("default address not set")
Step 2 -> Getting longitude and latitude by city or state name.
What happening in the below code?
- IF location is not given, it will set the location to default location
- Else location is set to given input.
- Once location is defined, we frame url with the help of default type i.e JSON
- We pass the key and the location as query parameter.
- Used the requests library to get request.
- Then, extract the lat and long and return it.
def get_url_and_log_lat(self, location=None): loc_query = self.default_address if location is not None: loc_query = location base_url = f"{self.data_type}" paramaters = { "address": loc_query, "key": self.api_key } url_params = urlencode(paramaters) endpoint = f"{base_url}?{url_params}" r = requests.get(endpoint) if r.status_code not in range(200, 299): return {} log_lat = {} try: log_lat = r.json()['results'][0]['geometry']['location'] print(log_lat) except: pass = log_lat.get("lat") self.lng = log_lat.get("lng") return, self.lng
Step 3 -> Finding things/places around a location within some radius.
Oops, I am lost, what this code does?
- IF location is not given, it will set the coordinates of previous location
- Else location is set to given input.
- Once location is defined, we frame url with the help of default type i.e JSON
- We pass the key ,location, keyword and radius as query parameter.
- Used the requests library to get request.
- Then,return the response.
Now, Lets write code
def search(self, keyword="Mexican Food", location="Faridabad", radius=1000): if location is not None: self.get_url_and_log_lat(location) endpoint = f"{self.data_type}" search_param = { "key": self.api_key, "location": f"{},{self.lng}", "radius": radius, "keyword": keyword, } search_param_encode = urlencode(search_param) place_url = f"{endpoint}?{search_param_encode}" r = requests.get(place_url) if r.status_code not in range(200, 299): return {} return r.json()
Step 4 -> Getting place details using the google place id
Wow! this time , I know the code. Let me start..
- If we have google place id, we can do the search
- Default response is set to json in line 2
- We pass the place id ,fields, and key as query parameter.
- Used the requests library to get request.
- Then,return the response.
It's time to change thinking into code
def detail(self, place_id="ChIJqW9BqQe6j4AR0il4CC315_s", fields=["name", "rating", "formatted_phone_number"]): detail_base_url = "" detail_param = { "place_id": place_id, "fields": ",".join(fields), "key": self.api_key, } detail_param_encode = urlencode(detail_param) detail_url = f"{detail_base_url}?{detail_param_encode}" r = requests.get(detail_url) if r.status_code not in range(200, 299): return {} return r.json()
Hurray! I made it finally.
For deployment, We are using the Repl or Heroku to deploy our localhost to web.For More Info
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Placeholder text by Praveen Chaudhary · Images by Binary Beast