Topics -> ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Web development
Preview Link -> PokeWorld
Source Code Link -> GitHub
What We are going to do?
- Fetch the data from the json
- Displaying on the frontend using components with styling
Fetching the data
Create and write a service(PokemonServices.js) which extracts the pokemon object from the json.
import pokemon from './pokemon.json'; export default class PokemonServices{ static getpokemons() { return pokemon ? pokemon : []; } }
It will contain how the whole webpage look like. It contains the header, footer and main body containing the PokemonApp(fetching the data on request)
import React, { Component } from "react"; import PokemonServices from "../services/PokemonServices"; import PokemonList from "./PokemonList"; export default class Pokemons extends Component{ constructor(props) { super(props); this.state={ pokemons:[] }; } componentDidMount() { this.setState(()=> ({pokemons:PokemonServices.getpokemons() })) } render() { return() } }
This component is responsible of fetching the data on load and passing it as a prop to PokemonList Component
import React, {Component} from "react"; import Header from './Header' import Pokemons from "./Pokemons"; export default class PokemonApp extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { title: "Welcome to Pokemon World" }; } render() { return( <div className="pokemon-web"> <Header title={this.state.title}/> <Pokemons/> </div> ) } }
The data fetched is unorgainsed, this component will orgainsed in a collection(list) of pokemon.
import React, {useEffect, useState} from "react"; import PokemonCard from "./PokemonCard"; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; const postsPerPage=6; let arrayForHoldingPosts = []; const getPokemons = (pokemons) => { return( <div className="card-deck"> { => <PokemonCard key={pokemon.pokemon_id} pokemon={pokemon} />) } </div> ) }; const PokemonList = (props) => { const [postsToShow, setPostsToShow] = useState([]); const [next, setNext] = useState(3); const posts = props.pokemons; const loopWithSlice = (start, end) => { const slicedPosts = posts.slice(start, end); arrayForHoldingPosts = [...arrayForHoldingPosts, ...slicedPosts]; setPostsToShow(arrayForHoldingPosts); }; useEffect(() => { loopWithSlice(0, postsPerPage); }, []); const handleShowMorePosts = () => { loopWithSlice(next, next + postsPerPage); setNext(next + postsPerPage); }; return( <div className="pokemon-list"> <div className="pokemon-container"> { getPokemons(arrayForHoldingPosts) } </div> <div> <button onClick={handleShowMorePosts} className="load-btn" id="next-btn">↓</button> </div> </div> ) }; PokemonList.defaultProps={ pokemon:[] } PokemonList.propTypes={ pokemon:PropTypes.array } export default PokemonList;
It contains the basic styling and structure of the pokemon card.
import React from "react"; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import '../styles/card.scss' const PokemonCard = (props) => ( <div className={ `pokemon-card ${props.pokemon.pokemon_tags[0]}` }> <img src={props.pokemon.pokemon_image_url} alt={props.pokemon.pokemon_name} /> <div className="pokemon-card-body"> <h4>{props.pokemon.pokemon_id}</h4> <h5 className="pokemon-card-title">{props.pokemon.pokemon_name}</h5> <p>{props.pokemon.pokemon_tags}</p> <a href={props.pokemon.pokemon_url} className="pokemon-card-btn">url</a> </div> </div> ); PokemonCard.prototype = { pokemon:PropTypes.object }; PokemonCard.defaultProps={ pokemon:{} }; export default PokemonCard;
Fun Fact - Rhydon is the first Pokemon ever to be created
Add some stylings to make it look impressive.
For deployment, We are using the GitHub Pages. For More Info
Web Preview / Output
Placeholder text by Praveen Chaudhary · Images by Binary Beast