Topics -> brython, html, css, web-assembly, python, webdevelopment
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What We are going to do?
- Creating a basic template using HTML
- Request the profile data using ajax request and loads it into json serailizer.
- Then inject that data into html using python snippets.
Intialising the variables then loading the required libraries
from browser import document,ajax,console,window,html from browser.template import Template import json # Intialising the local storage storage = window.localStorage # Make changes Here Only your_name = 'Praveen Chaudhary' first_profession = 'Full Stack Developer' second_profession = 'Data Analsyt' company_name = 'BinaryBeast' web_creator = 'Praveen Chaudhary' project_container = document['ProjectContainer'] footer_element ='.profile-footer')[0] profile_endpoint = ""
Requesting data through Ajax
From where data is loaded ?
You can load data from anywhere from the web,but tries to maintain the structure like Sample Data
def get_project(): req = ajax.ajax()'GET',profile_endpoint, True) req.bind('complete',on_complete) #document['joke'].text = 'Loading...' req.send()
Loading in Json Serializer
It will take the response text as input and gives JSON data.
def on_complete(req): project_list = json.loads(req.responseText) storage['projects']=project_list add_project(project_list)
Adding Data into HTML
How the data is loaded in frontend?
Brython has sepcial methods to put data into html tags , see how it works
def add_project(project_list): for project in project_list: title= html.H1(project['title'],Class="singleProjectTitle") if project['desc']!=None: project_desc= html.P(project['desc'],Class="project-desc") else: project_desc= html.P("This project is made by Praveen Chaudhary",Class="project-desc") if project['programming_language'] !=None: programming_language= html.H3(project['programming_language'],Class="programming-language") else: programming_language= html.H3("Html-Css-Js",Class="programming-language") projectNumber= html.P(project['id'],Class="projectNumber") project_container <= html.DIV(title+projectNumber+project_desc+programming_language,Class="singleProject")
Fun Fact - Brython is designed to replace Javascript as the scripting language for the Web.
Add some stylings to make it look impressive.
For deployment, We are using the GitHub Pages. For More Info
Web Preview / Output
Placeholder text by Praveen Chaudhary · Images by Binary Beast